
Monthly, Weekly, Daily & Hourly Daycare Fees in Port Said

Port Said, a bustling city on the edge of the Suez Canal, offers diverse daycare options tailored to different family needs. For infants, our full-day daycare rates are EGP 1400 per month, EGP 470 per week, and EGP 180 per day, ensuring they receive comprehensive care from our dedicated staff. Toddlers, as they grow and explore, are charged EGP 1200 monthly, EGP 400 weekly, and EGP 150 daily, which supports their developmental activities and learning. For older children, the fees are EGP 1100 monthly, EGP 370 weekly, and EGP 140 daily, providing an environment that fosters education and growth.

Additional Daycare Services with Extra Fee in Port Said

In addition to regular daycare services, our Port Said facility offers extensive additional options. Nighttime care is available at EGP 2800 monthly for infants and toddlers, and EGP 2200 for older children, accommodating parents who work late or have irregular schedules. Our meal program, which includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner, is offered at EGP 250 per meal per month, ensuring children receive nutritious and balanced meals daily. Special services such as speech therapy are also provided, priced at EGP 400 per session, aiming to meet the unique needs of each child in our care. Find complete detail in the fee structure given below.

Monthly Daycare Cost and Fee Structure in Port Said City, Port Said Governorate, Egypt

Daycare Fee in Port Said City, Port Said Governorate, Egypt, prices in EGP

Service Period Infant Toddler Kid
Registration One Time 200 200 200
Security Fee One Time 500 500 500
Boarding @ Extended Day Month 1500 1400 1200
Boarding @ Extended Day Week 500 470 400
Boarding @ Extended Day Single Day 190 180 150
Boarding @ Full Day Month 1400 1200 1100
Boarding @ Full Day Week 470 400 370
Boarding @ Full Day Single Day 180 150 140
Boarding @ Half Day Month 1100 1000 1000
Boarding @ Half Day Week 370 330 330
Boarding @ Half Day Single Day 140 120 120
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours Month 1000 800 800
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours Week 330 270 270
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours Single Day 120 100 100
Boarding @ Night Charges Month 2800 2800 2200
Boarding @ Night Charges Week 900 900 700
Boarding @ Night Charges Single Day 350 350 280
Boarding @ 24 Hours Month 4100 4100 4100
Boarding @ 24 Hours Week 1400 1400 1400
Boarding @ 24 Hours Single Day 510 510 510
Full Day Complete Package Month 3300 3000 2800
Full Day Complete Package Week 1100 1000 900
Full Day Complete Package Single Day 400 400 400
24 Hour Complete Package Month 5000 4100 4100
24 Hour Complete Package Week 1700 1400 1400
24 Hour Complete Package Single Day 600 500 500
Milk Month 300 300 300
Milk Week 100 100 100
Milk Single Day 40 40 40
Fruit Month 200 200 200
Fruit Week 70 70 70
Fruit Single Day 20 20 20
Breakfast Month 250 250 250
Breakfast Week 80 80 80
Breakfast Single Day 30 30 30
Lunch Month 250 250 250
Lunch Week 80 80 80
Lunch Single Day 30 30 30
Evening Snacks Month 250 250 250
Evening Snacks Week 80 80 80
Evening Snacks Single Day 30 30 30
Supper/Dinner Month 250 250 250
Supper/Dinner Week 80 80 80
Supper/Dinner Single Day 30 30 30
Tuition Fee Month NA 300 400
Tuition Fee Week NA 100 100
Tuition Fee Single Day NA NA NA
Music Month NA 200 200
Music Week NA 100 100
Music Single Day NA NA NA
Calligraphy Month NA 200 200
Calligraphy Week NA 100 100
Calligraphy Single Day NA NA NA
Abacus Month NA 200 200
Abacus Week NA 100 100
Abacus Single Day NA NA NA
Dance Month NA 200 200
Dance Week NA 100 100
Dance Single Day NA NA NA
Massage Month 100 NA NA
Massage Week 0 NA NA
Massage Single Day 10 NA NA
Bathing Month 100 NA NA
Bathing Week 0 NA NA
Bathing Single Day 10 NA NA
CCTV Month 400 400 400
Child Counselling per Session 400 400 400
Speech Therapy per Session 400 400 400
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