
Scallywags Childcare

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Scallywags Childcare

Looking for a licensed, family child care facility that offers a rich and fun learning environment for your child? Look no further than Scallywags Childcare! Our program is designed to teach age-appropriate skills and concepts through play-based learning. From dress-up to puzzles and outdoor play, we offer many opportunities for your child to explore and learn. Our fully fenced yard includes climbers, slides, water table, and other outdoor toys, ensuring your child gets plenty of fresh air and exercise. We also have two friendly cats who like to spend time with the children. Our staff is fully trained and licensed, and we update our criminal record checks as required. With a focus on building self-esteem and natural curiosity, we accept children from 10 months to 5 years old. Open Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. Contact us today to learn more!

Contact Information

Street Address
7561 Sapphire Dr, Chilliwack, BC V2R 3B3, Canada
Zip/Post Code
V2R 3B3



Average daycare cost near me
Value Added Coaching with extra charges
After School Tuition, Music Coaching, Calligraphy, Abacus, Dance Choreography, Baby Massage, Baby Bathing
Minimum Age
10 Months
Daycare Meals
Breakfast, Milk, Fruits, Lunch, Evening Snacks, Supper, Dinner, Meals from Home is also Allowed

Cost & Timings

Daycare Slots in Hours
Kindergarten Hours, Halfday Daycare, Fulltime Daycare, Extended Hours Daycare
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