
Kids Connection Daycare Centre

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Kids Connection Daycare Centre

Kids Connection Daycare Centre, situated in Chatham, Ontario, is a highly regarded childcare facility that provides a secure and supportive environment for children ages 18 months to 5 years. Our full-service childcare facility provides creative, engaging, and compassionate programmes to help your kid grow and thrive. Our professional team gives each kid particular attention and is committed to improving the well-being of every child in our care. Our facilities include big classrooms and an outdoor play area where children may explore and play in a safe and secure setting. We are open from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, making it convenient for working parents. Contact us today to book a visit and see how we can help your kid develop and progress.

Contact Information

Street Address
470 St Clair St, near Madness Ink!, Chatham, ON N7L 3K6, Canada
Zip/Post Code
N7L 3K6
Social Info



Average daycare cost near me
Value Added Coaching with extra charges
After School Tuition, Music Coaching, Calligraphy, Abacus, Dance Choreography, Baby Massage, Baby Bathing
Minimum Age
18 Months
Daycare Meals
Breakfast, Milk, Fruits, Lunch, Evening Snacks, Supper, Dinner, Meals from Home is also Allowed

Cost & Timings

Daycare Slots in Hours
Kindergarten Hours, Halfday Daycare, Fulltime Daycare, Extended Hours Daycare
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