
Innisfil Daycare

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Innisfil Daycare

Innisfil Daycare, managed by the Snobel family, offers trilingual education for children aged 18 months to 5 years. Their fun and stimulating activities incorporate English, French, and Spanish to enhance children's cognitive abilities and academic standards. The daycare provides a safe and secure environment and communicates regularly with parents regarding their child's daily activities. The experienced husband and wife team utilize up-to-date teaching methods and have taken Early Childhood Education training at Vanier College in Montreal. Innisfil Daycare's programs have been in operation since 2007, and they offer comprehensive programs designed for children, including healthy home-cooked meals. The daycare operates from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and they constantly take new Continuing Education courses to enhance the care children receive.

Contact Information

Street Address
981 Larter St, Innisfil, ON L9S 0N4, Canada
Zip/Post Code
L9S 0N4



Average daycare cost near me
Value Added Coaching with extra charges
After School Tuition, Music Coaching, Calligraphy, Abacus, Dance Choreography, Baby Massage, Baby Bathing
Minimum Age
18 Months
Daycare Meals
Breakfast, Milk, Fruits, Lunch, Evening Snacks, Supper, Dinner, Meals from Home is also Allowed

Cost & Timings

Daycare Slots in Hours
Kindergarten Hours, Halfday Daycare, Fulltime Daycare, Extended Hours Daycare
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