
CuddleBear Licensed Family Daycare

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CuddleBear Licensed Family Daycare

CuddleBear Licensed Family Daycare is a family daycare located at 1055 Oxford St, Kamloops, BC V2B 5L4, Canada. The daycare offers a warm, loving atmosphere tailored to the individual needs of each child. Activities during the day include circle time, art, outdoor play, and field trips. The daycare accepts subsidies and has excellent references. Additionally, CuddleBear provides school drop-off and pick-up services from Kay Bingham licensed daycare in Brock for children aged 3.5 or older. The daycare is open from 7:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday.

Contact Information

Street Address
1055 Oxford St, Kamloops, BC V2B 5L4, Canada
Zip/Post Code
V2B 5L4



Average daycare cost near me
Value Added Coaching with extra charges
After School Tuition, Music Coaching, Calligraphy, Abacus, Dance Choreography, Baby Massage, Baby Bathing
Minimum Age
36 Months
Daycare Meals
Breakfast, Milk, Fruits, Lunch, Evening Snacks, Supper, Dinner, Meals from Home is also Allowed

Cost & Timings

Daycare Slots in Hours
Kindergarten Hours, Halfday Daycare, Fulltime Daycare, Extended Hours Daycare
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