
Anne Hathaway Day Care Centre

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Anne Hathaway Day Care Centre

Anne Hathaway Day Care Centre in Stratford, ON is a licensed early childhood education centre that welcomes families and children aged 18 months to 5 years. The centre, operated by the City of Stratford, offers service from 7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. With a team of experienced and dedicated Early Childhood Educators, the centre provides inclusive care for children with special needs. The curriculum is designed to encourage children's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development through a variety of activities, such as language experiences, art and sensory activities, learning activities, and physical activities both indoors and outdoors. Healthy snacks and meals are also provided.

Contact Information

Street Address
103 Bruce St, Stratford, ON N5A 4A2, Canada
Zip/Post Code
N5A 4A2



Average daycare cost near me
Value Added Coaching with extra charges
After School Tuition, Music Coaching, Calligraphy, Abacus, Dance Choreography, Baby Massage, Baby Bathing
Minimum Age
18 Months
Maximum Age
Daycare Meals
Breakfast, Milk, Fruits, Lunch, Evening Snacks, Supper, Dinner, Meals from Home is also Allowed

Cost & Timings

Minimum Daycare Cost
Daycare Slots in Hours
Kindergarten Hours, Halfday Daycare, Fulltime Daycare, Extended Hours Daycare
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