Daycare Cost in UAE

Daycare costs in the UAE vary by location and type of daycare, with private centers in cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi offering premium services at higher fees.

Overview of Daycare Costs in Major Cities

Daycare costs in the UAE are primarily determined by location and the type of facility. Private daycare centers in cities like Dubai and Abu Dhabi charge between AED 2,000 and AED 6,000 per month, depending on the services offered, such as bilingual education, extracurricular activities, and extended hours. Community-based daycare options are limited but more affordable, with fees ranging from AED 1,000 to AED 2,500 per month. Public daycare facilities are rare, making private daycare the predominant option for families in the UAE. Costs in smaller emirates, such as Sharjah and Ajman, tend to be lower, with fees ranging from AED 1,500 to AED 4,000 per month.

Factors Affecting Daycare Costs

The following factors influence daycare costs in the UAE:

  • Location: Urban centers like Dubai and Abu Dhabi have higher daycare fees due to demand and operational costs.
  • Daycare Type: Private daycare centers dominate the market, offering premium services that cater to both locals and expatriates.
  • Additional Services: Features such as meals, transportation, bilingual education, and extracurricular programs increase costs.
  • Expatriate Influence: Facilities catering to expatriate families often have higher fees to meet international standards.

Parents in the UAE have access to a range of daycare options tailored to their childcare needs and financial situation.

Key Components Influencing Daycare Costs

Daycare costs in the UAE are shaped by the following components:

  • Public vs. Private: The limited availability of public daycare means private centers are the primary option for most families.
  • Urban vs. Suburban Divide: Costs are higher in urban centers like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, while smaller emirates offer more economical daycare options.
  • Quality of Services: Premium private daycare centers with modern facilities, bilingual education, and smaller caregiver-to-child ratios charge higher fees.
  • Expatriate Demand: Many daycare centers cater to expatriates, influencing fees and services to meet international standards.

Parents should compare daycare options to find the most suitable facility for their family’s needs and budget.


Daycare costs in the UAE are influenced by location, type of facility, and services offered. Private daycare centers dominate the market, particularly in urban areas like Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where premium services are widely available at higher fees. Smaller emirates provide more affordable options for families. Parents are encouraged to evaluate daycare options carefully to find the best fit for their childcare needs and budget.