Daycare Cost in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Daycare costs in Bosnia and Herzegovina are affordable, with urban centers like Sarajevo having higher fees than rural areas.

Overview of Daycare Costs in Major Cities

Daycare costs in Bosnia and Herzegovina are generally affordable, especially compared to Western Europe. In Sarajevo, daycare fees range from BAM 250 to BAM 500 per month for private centers. Public daycare facilities are cheaper, typically costing between BAM 100 and BAM 200 per month. Smaller cities like Banja Luka and Mostar offer more budget-friendly options, with fees averaging BAM 150 to BAM 300 per month. The availability of services and type of daycare significantly impact the costs.

Factors Affecting Daycare Costs

The following factors influence daycare costs in Bosnia and Herzegovina:

  • Location: Urban areas like Sarajevo and Banja Luka have higher fees compared to smaller towns and rural areas.
  • Daycare Type: Private daycare centers charge more than public facilities due to better amenities and personalized care.
  • Services Offered: Additional services such as meal plans, extended hours, and educational programs increase costs.
  • Government Subsidies: Public daycare fees are subsidized, making them affordable for most families.

Parents in urban centers often face higher daycare costs due to increased demand and operational expenses.

Key Components Influencing Daycare Costs

Daycare costs in Bosnia and Herzegovina are shaped by these key components:

  • Public vs. Private: Public daycare centers are economical, while private facilities offer premium services at higher costs.
  • Regional Variations: Costs vary between urban and rural areas due to differences in demand and operational costs.
  • Economic Factors: Lower wages and cost of living in Bosnia and Herzegovina contribute to relatively affordable daycare fees.
  • Quality of Services: Private centers with better facilities, educational programs, and extracurricular activities charge more.

Government support and affordable public daycare options help make childcare accessible for most families.


Daycare costs in Bosnia and Herzegovina are affordable, with public daycare centers providing economical options for families. Private facilities cater to families seeking more personalized care and advanced services at higher fees. Exploring both public and private options ensures parents can find the best solution for their childcare needs.