Daycare Cost in Belarus

Daycare costs in Belarus are affordable compared to Western countries, with urban areas like Minsk having slightly higher fees.

Overview of Daycare Costs in Major Cities

Daycare costs in Belarus are generally lower compared to Western nations. In the capital city Minsk, fees range from BYN 250 to BYN 500 per month for private daycare centers, while public daycare options are significantly cheaper, typically under BYN 150. Smaller cities like Brest and Gomel offer even more affordable daycare options, usually ranging between BYN 100 and BYN 300 per month. Factors influencing daycare costs include location, type of daycare (public or private), and the availability of additional services.

Factors Affecting Daycare Costs

Several factors determine daycare costs in Belarus:

  • Location: Urban areas like Minsk tend to have higher fees due to greater demand and operational costs.
  • Daycare Type: Private daycare centers with advanced facilities charge more than public options.
  • Services Offered: Daycares offering extra services like meals, extracurricular activities, and bilingual staff have higher fees.
  • Government Support: Public daycare centers benefit from government subsidies, keeping costs low for parents.

Public daycares are the most affordable option, though private centers provide more personalized care and advanced facilities.

Key Components Influencing Daycare Costs

Daycare costs in Belarus are shaped by these key components:

  • Urban Demand: Cities like Minsk have higher demand for daycare services, impacting fees.
  • Public vs. Private: Public centers are more economical but may have limited availability, whereas private centers offer premium services.
  • Quality of Infrastructure: Modern facilities and better learning tools in private centers result in higher costs.
  • Economic Factors: Belarus’s economic conditions contribute to relatively low daycare costs compared to other European countries.

Parents can choose between public and private options based on their budget and the type of care required.


Daycare costs in Belarus are affordable and accessible, with options ranging from subsidized public centers to premium private facilities. Parents should weigh factors like location, type of care, and additional services when selecting a daycare. Government support ensures that public daycare remains an economical choice for most families.