Daycare costs in Bangladesh vary widely depending on the city and type of daycare. In Dhaka, fees range from BDT 8,000 to BDT 15,000 per month for private daycare centers. Smaller cities like Chittagong and Sylhet offer more affordable daycare options, ranging from BDT 5,000 to BDT 10,000 per month. Factors such as location, daycare quality, and additional services like meal plans and educational programs significantly affect the costs.
Several factors influence daycare costs in Bangladesh:
Daycare centers in smaller cities offer more affordable options but may lack advanced facilities and programs found in major urban centers.
Daycare costs in Bangladesh are shaped by these key components:
Parents are encouraged to compare daycare options carefully to find the best balance between cost and quality.
Daycare costs in Bangladesh are determined by location, services, and type of daycare facility. While Dhaka offers premium options, smaller cities provide more affordable alternatives. Parents should explore different facilities and consider factors like safety and quality to make the best choice for their children.