
City Wise Daycare Cost

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Explore comprehensive daycare cost insights from cities around the world. Our detailed guide covers average monthly, weekly, and daily fees, tailored to various services and timings. Whether you’re in New York, Toronto, London, Sydney, or Tokyo, find out how much you can expect to pay for quality childcare. Plan your budget effectively and choose the best daycare option for your child with our global cost comparisons. Discover the daycare costs in your city and make an informed choice for your child’s care. Explore our global daycare cost guide now!

Daycare Cost & Fee Structure in New Delhi, Delhi, India
City Wise Daycare Cost

Daycare Fee in Delhi – Monthly | Weekly | Daily | Hourly

Updated August 11, 2024: In New Delhi, daycare fees vary across different services and age groups. For full-day care, monthly rates are ₹8000 for Infants, ₹7200 for Toddlers, and ₹6400 for Kids. Additional services like night care, extended day, and complete packages have varying costs, offering flexible options for parents. Compare and select the best daycare plan in New Delhi that suits your needs.

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