
Monthly, Weekly, Daily & Hourly Daycare Cost in Blaine, WA

The average monthly cost of daycare in Blaine, WA, United States for Infants is $600, Weekly $200, and Daily $80.

For Toddlers, the daycare fee is Monthly $600, Weekly $200, and Daily $80.

For school-going kids, the daycare fee is Monthly $500, Weekly $170, and Daily $60.

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Additional Daycare Services with Extra Cost:

In Blaine, WA, additional daycare services include night charges, with monthly fees of $1,300 for infants and toddlers and $1,000 for kids. Weekly night charges are $400 for infants and toddlers, and $300 for kids, with daily rates of $160 for infants and toddlers and $120 for kids.

There are no additional charges for meals such as milk, fruit, breakfast, lunch, and evening snacks, as they are included in the standard fees.

Supplementary services like music, dance, calligraphy, and abacus classes are available, with specific fees detailed in the table below.

Find complete detail in the fee structure given below.

Monthly Daycare Fee in Blaine, WA, United States

Daycare Fee in Blaine, Washington, United States, prices in USD

Service Period Infant Toddler Kid
Registration One Time 200 200 200
Security Fee One Time 500 500 500
Boarding @ Extended Day Month 700 600 600
Boarding @ Extended Day Week 230 200 200
Boarding @ Extended Day Single Day 90 80 80
Boarding @ Full Day Month 600 600 500
Boarding @ Full Day Week 200 200 170
Boarding @ Full Day Single Day 80 80 60
Boarding @ Half Day Month 500 500 400
Boarding @ Half Day Week 170 170 130
Boarding @ Half Day Single Day 60 60 50
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours Month 500 400 400
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours Week 170 130 130
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours Single Day 60 50 50
Boarding @ Night Charges Month 1300 1300 1000
Boarding @ Night Charges Week 400 400 300
Boarding @ Night Charges Single Day 160 160 120
Boarding @ 24 Hours Month 1900 1900 1900
Boarding @ 24 Hours Week 600 600 600
Boarding @ 24 Hours Single Day 240 240 240
Full Day Complete Package Month 1500 1400 1300
Full Day Complete Package Week 500 500 400
Full Day Complete Package Single Day 200 200 200
24 Hour Complete Package Month 2300 1900 1900
24 Hour Complete Package Week 800 600 600
24 Hour Complete Package Single Day 300 200 200
Milk Month 0 0 0
Milk Week 0 0 0
Milk Single Day 0 0 0
Fruit Month 0 0 0
Fruit Week 0 0 0
Fruit Single Day 0 0 0
Breakfast Month 0 0 0
Breakfast Week 0 0 0
Breakfast Single Day 0 0 0
Lunch Month 0 0 0
Lunch Week 0 0 0
Lunch Single Day 0 0 0
Evening Snacks Month 0 0 0
Evening Snacks Week 0 0 0
Evening Snacks Single Day 0 0 0
Supper/Dinner Month 0 0 0
Supper/Dinner Week 0 0 0
Supper/Dinner Single Day 0 0 0
Tuition Fee Month NA 100 100
Tuition Fee Week NA 0 0
Tuition Fee Single Day NA NA NA
Music Month NA 0 0
Music Week NA 0 0
Music Single Day NA NA NA
Calligraphy Month NA 0 0
Calligraphy Week NA 0 0
Calligraphy Single Day NA NA NA
Abacus Month NA 0 0
Abacus Week NA 0 0
Abacus Single Day NA NA NA
Dance Month NA 0 0
Dance Week NA 0 0
Dance Single Day NA NA NA
Massage Month 100 NA NA
Massage Week 0 NA NA
Massage Single Day 10 NA NA
Bathing Month 100 NA NA
Bathing Week 0 NA NA
Bathing Single Day 10 NA NA
CCTV Month 140 140 140
Child Counselling per Session 140 140 140
Speech Therapy per Session 140 140 140
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