Monthly, Weekly, Daily & Hourly Daycare Fees in Bandung
In Bandung, a major city in West Java, Indonesia, the daycare centers offer diverse care options to cater to different age groups. For infants, the monthly fee for full-day care is IDR 1,298,600, with weekly charges at IDR 432,870, and a daily rate of IDR 162,320. Toddler care fees are set at IDR 1,168,700 monthly, IDR 389,570 weekly, and IDR 146,090 daily. For older children, daycare fees are IDR 1,038,900 monthly, IDR 346,300 weekly, and IDR 129,860 daily, providing competitive and accessible child care solutions for families in Bandung.
Additional Daycare Services with Extra Fee in Bandung
Bandung’s daycare facilities also offer extended services such as 24-hour care, which is available for IDR 3,895,800 monthly for all age groups. This ensures continuous care and safety for children at any hour. Additionally, the centers provide nutritious meals including breakfast, lunch, and supper, each costing IDR 66,660 monthly. For families seeking additional educational opportunities for their children, specialized programs such as music, dance, and calligraphy are also available, enhancing the educational experience for the children. Furthermore, specialized services such as child counseling and speech therapy are offered at IDR 650,290 each, aimed at supporting the holistic development of each child in a nurturing environment.
Daycare Fee in Bandung, Province of West Java, Indonesia, prices in IDR |
Service | Period | Infant | Toddler | Kid |
Registration | One Time | 226500 | 226500 | 226500 |
Security Fee | One Time | 566200 | 566200 | 566200 |
Boarding @ Extended Day | Month | 1428400 | 1298600 | 1168700 |
Boarding @ Extended Day | Week | 476130 | 432870 | 389570 |
Boarding @ Extended Day | Single Day | 178550 | 162320 | 146090 |
Boarding @ Full Day | Month | 1298600 | 1168700 | 1038900 |
Boarding @ Full Day | Week | 432870 | 389570 | 346300 |
Boarding @ Full Day | Single Day | 162320 | 146090 | 129860 |
Boarding @ Half Day | Month | 1038900 | 986900 | 909000 |
Boarding @ Half Day | Week | 346300 | 328970 | 303000 |
Boarding @ Half Day | Single Day | 129860 | 123360 | 113620 |
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours | Month | 986900 | 779200 | 779200 |
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours | Week | 328970 | 259730 | 259730 |
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours | Single Day | 123360 | 97400 | 97400 |
Boarding @ Night Charges | Month | 2597200 | 2597200 | 2077700 |
Boarding @ Night Charges | Week | 865700 | 865700 | 692600 |
Boarding @ Night Charges | Single Day | 324650 | 324650 | 259710 |
Boarding @ 24 Hours | Month | 3895800 | 3895800 | 3895800 |
Boarding @ 24 Hours | Week | 1298600 | 1298600 | 1298600 |
Boarding @ 24 Hours | Single Day | 486980 | 486980 | 486980 |
Full Day Complete Package | Month | 3116600 | 2856900 | 2597200 |
Full Day Complete Package | Week | 1038900 | 952300 | 865700 |
Full Day Complete Package | Single Day | 389600 | 357100 | 324600 |
24 Hour Complete Package | Month | 4674900 | 3895800 | 3895800 |
24 Hour Complete Package | Week | 1558300 | 1298600 | 1298600 |
24 Hour Complete Package | Single Day | 584400 | 487000 | 487000 |
Milk | Month | 335600 | 335600 | 335600 |
Milk | Week | 111900 | 111900 | 111900 |
Milk | Single Day | 41950 | 41950 | 41950 |
Fruit | Month | 295520 | 295520 | 295520 |
Fruit | Week | 98510 | 98510 | 98510 |
Fruit | Single Day | 36940 | 36940 | 36940 |
Breakfast | Month | 66660 | 66660 | 66660 |
Breakfast | Week | 22220 | 22220 | 22220 |
Breakfast | Single Day | 8330 | 8330 | 8330 |
Lunch | Month | 66660 | 66660 | 66660 |
Lunch | Week | 22220 | 22220 | 22220 |
Lunch | Single Day | 8330 | 8330 | 8330 |
Evening Snacks | Month | 66660 | 66660 | 66660 |
Evening Snacks | Week | 22220 | 22220 | 22220 |
Evening Snacks | Single Day | 8330 | 8330 | 8330 |
Supper/Dinner | Month | 66660 | 66660 | 66660 |
Supper/Dinner | Week | 22220 | 22220 | 22220 |
Supper/Dinner | Single Day | 8330 | 8330 | 8330 |
Tuition Fee | Month | NA | 844200 | 1125600 |
Tuition Fee | Week | NA | 281400 | 375200 |
Tuition Fee | Single Day | NA | NA | NA |
Music | Month | NA | 562800 | 562800 |
Music | Week | NA | 187600 | 187600 |
Music | Single Day | NA | NA | NA |
Calligraphy | Month | NA | 562800 | 562800 |
Calligraphy | Week | NA | 187600 | 187600 |
Calligraphy | Single Day | NA | NA | NA |
Abacus | Month | NA | 450300 | 450300 |
Abacus | Week | NA | 150100 | 150100 |
Abacus | Single Day | NA | NA | NA |
Dance | Month | NA | 450300 | 450300 |
Dance | Week | NA | 150100 | 150100 |
Dance | Single Day | NA | NA | NA |
Massage | Month | 90600 | NA | NA |
Massage | Week | 30200 | NA | NA |
Massage | Single Day | 11320 | NA | NA |
Bathing | Month | 90600 | NA | NA |
Bathing | Week | 30200 | NA | NA |
Bathing | Single Day | 11320 | NA | NA |
CCTV | Month | 650290 | 650290 | 650290 |
Child Counselling | per Session | 650290 | 650290 | 650290 |
Speech Therapy | per Session | 650290 | 650290 | 650290 |