
Monthly, Weekly, Daily & Hourly Daycare Cost in Arlington, TX

Infants: The average monthly cost of daycare for infants in Arlington, Texas, United States, is $600, with weekly rates at $200 and a daily rate of $80.

Toddlers: In Arlington, the daycare fee for toddlers averages $600 monthly, $200 weekly, and $80 daily.

School-going Kids: School-going kids in Arlington have an average daycare fee of $500 per month, $170 weekly, and $60 daily.

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Additional Daycare Services with Extra Cost:

Additional services in Arlington include night charges, with rates of $1,300 monthly, $400 weekly, and $160 daily for infants and toddlers, and $1,000 monthly, $300 weekly, and $120 daily for school-going kids. Meals like breakfast.

Daycare charges in Arlington, Texas, United States

Daycare Fee in Arlington, Texas, United States, prices in USD

Service Period Infant Toddler Kid
Registration One Time 200 200 200
Security Fee One Time 500 500 500
Boarding @ Extended Day Month 700 600 600
Boarding @ Extended Day Week 230 200 200
Boarding @ Extended Day Single Day 90 80 80
Boarding @ Full Day Month 600 600 500
Boarding @ Full Day Week 200 200 170
Boarding @ Full Day Single Day 80 80 60
Boarding @ Half Day Month 500 500 400
Boarding @ Half Day Week 170 170 130
Boarding @ Half Day Single Day 60 60 50
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours Month 500 400 400
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours Week 170 130 130
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours Single Day 60 50 50
Boarding @ Night Charges Month 1300 1300 1000
Boarding @ Night Charges Week 400 400 300
Boarding @ Night Charges Single Day 160 160 120
Boarding @ 24 Hours Month 1900 1900 1900
Boarding @ 24 Hours Week 600 600 600
Boarding @ 24 Hours Single Day 240 240 240
Full Day Complete Package Month 1500 1400 1300
Full Day Complete Package Week 500 500 400
Full Day Complete Package Single Day 200 200 200
24 Hour Complete Package Month 2300 1900 1900
24 Hour Complete Package Week 800 600 600
24 Hour Complete Package Single Day 300 200 200
Milk Month 0 0 0
Milk Week 0 0 0
Milk Single Day 0 0 0
Fruit Month 40 40 40
Fruit Week 10 10 10
Fruit Single Day 0 0 0
Breakfast Month 50 50 50
Breakfast Week 20 20 20
Breakfast Single Day 10 10 10
Lunch Month 50 50 50
Lunch Week 20 20 20
Lunch Single Day 10 10 10
Evening Snacks Month 50 50 50
Evening Snacks Week 20 20 20
Evening Snacks Single Day 10 10 10
Supper/Dinner Month 50 50 50
Supper/Dinner Week 20 20 20
Supper/Dinner Single Day 10 10 10
Tuition Fee Month NA 100 100
Tuition Fee Week NA 0 0
Tuition Fee Single Day NA NA NA
Music Month NA 100 100
Music Week NA 0 0
Music Single Day NA NA NA
Calligraphy Month NA 100 100
Calligraphy Week NA 0 0
Calligraphy Single Day NA NA NA
Abacus Month NA 100 100
Abacus Week NA 0 0
Abacus Single Day NA NA NA
Dance Month NA 100 100
Dance Week NA 0 0
Dance Single Day NA NA NA
Massage Month 100 NA NA
Massage Week 0 NA NA
Massage Single Day 10 NA NA
Bathing Month 100 NA NA
Bathing Week 0 NA NA
Bathing Single Day 10 NA NA
CCTV Month 100 100 100
Child Counselling per Session 100 100 100
Speech Therapy per Session 100 100 100

Daycare Cost and Options in Arlington, Texas

In Arlington, Texas, families looking for daycare options have a variety to choose from, although specific daycare centers are not listed in my current data. This absence might be due to the dynamic nature of daycare services or limitations in data collection. Arlington, known for its family-friendly environment, offers various childcare facilities, from basic daycare settings to more comprehensive early learning centers. The cost of daycare in Arlington generally aligns with the city’s overall cost of living, which is moderate compared to larger cities in Texas. Prices vary based on factors like the type and location of the daycare, the educational curriculum offered, and the staff’s qualifications.

When searching for daycare in Arlington, parents should visit multiple centers to get a sense of the environment and speak to other families for recommendations. Essential aspects often include the staff-to-child ratio, safety measures, learning programs, and the overall atmosphere.

Educational and Recreational Opportunities for Children in Arlington

Arlington, Texas, offers a wealth of educational and recreational opportunities for children. While my data does not specifically list schools and amusement centers in Arlington, the city is celebrated for its commitment to quality education, marked by its well-regarded public and private schools. These institutions are celebrated for their academic excellence and diverse extracurricular programs.

For pediatric care, families in Arlington have access to several top-rated pediatricians, including Cook Children’s Pediatrics Arlington, MD Kids Pediatrics Arlington, SGH Pediatrics, and Collins Street Pediatrics. These medical professionals are noted for their comprehensive approach to child health, ranging from preventive care to complex medical treatments.

Regarding amusement and recreation, although specific amusement centers are not listed in my data, Arlington is known for its parks, sports facilities, and cultural activities that cater to young families. These include outdoor recreational areas, community events, and various programs aimed at children’s development and enjoyment.

Neighboring Cities Near Arlington: A Comparative Overview

Arlington is surrounded by cities such as Fort Worth, Dallas, Grand Prairie, and Mansfield, each within a 10 to 30-mile radius. These neighboring cities present a blend of suburban comfort and urban amenities, offering families a range of options for living and childcare.

The cost of living and daycare expenses in these areas vary, with proximity to Dallas and Fort Worth influencing prices. Cities closer to these metropolitan areas, like Grand Prairie and Mansfield, may have slightly higher daycare costs compared to Arlington. In contrast, cities further away might offer more affordable options but with different amenities and lifestyle choices.

Each city’s GDP reflects its economic health, impacting childcare quality and availability. Families considering these areas should evaluate each city’s unique offerings, balancing the cost, childcare quality, and preferred lifestyle.

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