
Daycare Fee >> USA >> New York > Amherst

Daycare Costs in Amherst, New York: Find Affordable Childcare Options

As of August 27, 2024, the average daycare costs in Amherst provide various flexible options to fit your family’s needs and budget. For infants, the hourly rate is about $18.75, with toddlers and kids coming in at $15 and $13.75 per hour, respectively. Weekly rates are between $300 and $400, depending on the child’s age.

By customizing your daycare package, you can find the best balance between quality care and affordability, choosing from options like full-day care, weekly plans, or even monthly discounts. Make sure to select the most suitable plan to get the best value for your childcare needs.

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Daycare Fee for Infants in Amherst

Service Monthly (US$) Weekly (US$) Daily (US$)
Registration 0
Security Fee 0
Boarding @ Extended Day 1300 430 160
Boarding @ Full Day 1200 400 150
Boarding @ Half Day 900 300 110
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours 900 300 110
Boarding @ Night Charges 2300 800 290
Boarding @ 24 Hours 3500 1200 440
Full Day Complete Package 2800 900 400
24 Hour Complete Package 4100 1400 500
Milk 0 0 0
Fruits 40 10 0
Breakfast 60 20 10
Lunch 60 20 10
Evening Snacks 60 20 10
Supper/Dinner 60 20 10
Tuition Fee NA NA NA
Music NA NA NA
Calligraphy NA NA NA
Abacus NA NA NA
Dance NA NA NA
Massage 0 0 0
Bathing 0 0 0
Child Counselling 90
Speech Therapy 90

Daycare Fee for Toddlers in Amherst

Service Monthly (US$) Weekly (US$) Daily (US$)
Registration 0
Security Fee 0
Boarding @ Extended Day 1200 400 150
Boarding @ Full Day 1000 330 120
Boarding @ Half Day 900 300 110
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours 700 230 90
Boarding @ Night Charges 2300 800 290
Boarding @ 24 Hours 3500 1200 440
Full Day Complete Package 2500 800 300
24 Hour Complete Package 3500 1200 400
Milk 0 0 0
Fruits 40 10 0
Breakfast 60 20 10
Lunch 60 20 10
Evening Snacks 60 20 10
Supper/Dinner 60 20 10
Tuition Fee 200 100 NA
Music 100 0 NA
Calligraphy 100 0 NA
Abacus 100 0 NA
Dance 100 0 NA
Massage NA NA NA
Bathing NA NA NA
Child Counselling 90
Speech Therapy 90

Daycare Fee for Kids in Amherst

Service Monthly (US$) Weekly (US$) Daily (US$)
Registration 0
Security Fee 0
Boarding @ Extended Day 1000 330 120
Boarding @ Full Day 900 300 110
Boarding @ Half Day 800 270 100
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours 700 230 90
Boarding @ Night Charges 1800 600 220
Boarding @ 24 Hours 3500 1200 440
Full Day Complete Package 2300 800 300
24 Hour Complete Package 3500 1200 400
Milk 0 0 0
Fruits 40 10 0
Breakfast 60 20 10
Lunch 60 20 10
Evening Snacks 60 20 10
Supper/Dinner 60 20 10
Tuition Fee 200 100 NA
Music 100 0 NA
Calligraphy 100 0 NA
Abacus 100 0 NA
Dance 100 0 NA
Massage NA NA NA
Bathing NA NA NA
Child Counselling 90
Speech Therapy 90

Understanding Daycare Expenses in Amherst Factors Influencing Daycare Costs in Amherst How to Choose the Right Daycare in Amherst

Amherst is a charming town known for its excellent schools, safe environment, and family-friendly amenities. Whether you’re looking for a vibrant community near the University of Massachusetts or a quiet neighborhood with suburban appeal, Amherst offers a variety of options that are ideal for raising a family. This guide will help you navigate the top areas in Amherst, highlighting neighborhoods with a high density of daycare centers, accessible healthcare services, and other essential amenities for young families.

Daycare Costs in Amherst

Daycare costs in Amherst vary depending on the type of facility, location, and the services provided. On average, full-time daycare can range from $800 to $1,500 per month. Factors such as the proximity to major educational institutions, the quality of care, and additional programs offered by the daycare centers can influence the cost.

Top Areas for Young Families in Amherst with Daycare Costs

1. Downtown Amherst

  • Features and Facilities: Downtown Amherst is a bustling area with a mix of residential and commercial spaces. The area offers convenient access to shops, restaurants, and cultural amenities, including the Amherst Cinema and the Jones Library. It’s also close to the University of Massachusetts Amherst, making it ideal for families associated with the university.
  • Daycares and Other Services: In downtown Amherst, you can find a variety of daycare centers such as Spring Street Preschool and The Cottage Garden. Additionally, All About Learning and Amherst Montessori School provide early education programs. The area is well-served by healthcare providers, including Amherst Pediatrics and Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry.

2. South Amherst

  • Features and Facilities: South Amherst offers a more suburban feel with quiet, tree-lined streets and access to beautiful natural spaces like the Holyoke Range State Park. The area is known for its strong community spirit and proximity to excellent public schools.
  • Daycares and Other Services: Daycare options in South Amherst include Crocker Farm Elementary School, which offers preschool programs, and Cushman Scott Children’s Center. For healthcare, Northampton Area Pediatrics is nearby, providing comprehensive pediatric care.

3. East Amherst

  • Features and Facilities: East Amherst is a popular residential area with a mix of single-family homes and apartment complexes. It offers easy access to major roads and is close to several parks and recreational facilities, making it ideal for active families.
  • Daycares and Other Services: Families in East Amherst have access to daycare centers like Woodside Children’s Center and Grass Roots Daycare. For medical services, Northampton Area Pediatrics of Amherst and Amherst Family Center are conveniently located.

4. North Amherst

  • Features and Facilities: North Amherst is a growing neighborhood that blends rural charm with urban convenience. The area features community farms, local markets, and is in close proximity to the University of Massachusetts Amherst, providing a lively atmosphere.
  • Daycares and Other Services: In North Amherst, daycare options include Wildwood Elementary, which offers early childhood programs, and The Maple Hill Play Garden, a family daycare service. The neighborhood also offers healthcare facilities such as Amherst Pediatrics and Yarima Santiago, MD.

5. Amherst Center

  • Features and Facilities: Amherst Center is the heart of the town, offering a vibrant mix of cultural, educational, and recreational activities. The area is pedestrian-friendly and is home to various shops, cafes, and historical sites, making it a dynamic place for families.
  • Daycares and Other Services: The center of Amherst is home to numerous daycare centers, including The Common School and Amherst Montessori School. Parents also have access to top-notch healthcare facilities, such as Amherst Pediatrics and Treehouse Pediatric Dentistry.

Amherst offers a variety of neighborhoods that cater to the needs of young families, each with its own unique charm and amenities. Whether you prefer the bustling atmosphere of Downtown Amherst, the suburban tranquility of South Amherst, or the rural charm of North Amherst, there are plenty of daycare options, healthcare services, and family-friendly amenities to consider. By choosing the right neighborhood, parents can ensure a nurturing and convenient environment for their children to grow and thrive.

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