
Daycare Fee >> USA >> New York > Brooklyn

Daycare Costs in Brooklyn, New York: Find the Best Childcare Options

As of August 27, 2024, daycare costs in Brooklyn offer a variety of flexible options tailored to different family needs. The hourly rate is approximately $31.25 for infants, $27.50 for toddlers, and $25 for kids. Weekly rates range from $530 to $670, depending on the age group.

By customizing your daycare package, you can ensure you get the best value for your money, paying only for the services you need. Whether you’re seeking full-day, weekly, or monthly care, Brooklyn’s daycare centers provide the quality and flexibility to meet your childcare needs.

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Daycare Fee for Infants in Brooklyn

Service Monthly (US$) Weekly (US$) Daily (US$)
Registration 0
Security Fee 0
Boarding @ Extended Day 2200 730 280
Boarding @ Full Day 2000 670 250
Boarding @ Half Day 1600 530 200
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours 1500 500 190
Boarding @ Night Charges 4000 1300 500
Boarding @ 24 Hours 6000 2000 750
Full Day Complete Package 4800 1600 600
24 Hour Complete Package 7200 2400 900
Milk 0 0 0
Fruit 30 10 0
Breakfast 70 20 10
Lunch 70 20 10
Evening Snacks 70 20 10
Supper/Dinner 70 20 10
Tuition Fee NA NA NA
Music NA NA NA
Calligraphy NA NA NA
Abacus NA NA NA
Dance NA NA NA
Massage 0 0 0
Bathing 0 0 0
Child Counselling 80
Speech Therapy 80

Daycare Fee for Toddlers in Brooklyn

Service Monthly (US$) Weekly (US$) Daily (US$)
Registration 0
Security Fee 0
Boarding @ Extended Day 2000 670 250
Boarding @ Full Day 1800 600 220
Boarding @ Half Day 1500 500 190
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours 1200 400 150
Boarding @ Night Charges 4000 1300 500
Boarding @ 24 Hours 6000 2000 750
Full Day Complete Package 4400 1500 600
24 Hour Complete Package 6000 2000 800
Milk 0 0 0
Fruit 30 10 0
Breakfast 70 20 10
Lunch 70 20 10
Evening Snacks 70 20 10
Supper/Dinner 70 20 10
Tuition Fee 400 100 NA
Music 300 100 NA
Calligraphy 300 100 NA
Abacus 200 100 NA
Dance 200 100 NA
Massage 0 0 0
Bathing 0 0 0
Child Counselling 80
Speech Therapy 80

Daycare Fee for Kids in Brooklyn

Service Monthly (US$) Weekly (US$) Daily (US$)
Registration 0
Security Fee 0
Boarding @ Extended Day 1800 600 220
Boarding @ Full Day 1600 530 200
Boarding @ Half Day 1400 470 180
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours 1200 400 150
Boarding @ Night Charges 3200 1100 400
Boarding @ 24 Hours 6000 2000 750
Full Day Complete Package 4000 1300 500
24 Hour Complete Package 6000 2000 800
Milk 0 0 0
Fruit 30 10 0
Breakfast 70 20 10
Lunch 70 20 10
Evening Snacks 70 20 10
Supper/Dinner 70 20 10
Tuition Fee 500 200 NA
Music 300 100 NA
Calligraphy 300 100 NA
Abacus 200 100 NA
Dance 200 100 NA
Massage 0 0 0
Bathing 0 0 0
Child Counselling 80
Speech Therapy 80

Overview of Daycare Prices in Brooklyn Factors That Affect Daycare Costs in Brooklyn Comparing Daycare Centers in Brooklyn How to Save on Daycare in Brooklyn

Brooklyn is a vibrant borough of New York City, offering a mix of urban convenience and family-friendly communities. For young families, choosing the right neighborhood often comes down to the availability and cost of daycare, access to parks, safety, and local amenities. Here’s a guide to some of the best neighborhoods in Brooklyn for families, with a focus on daycare costs and what you can expect in each area.

Park Slope: A Haven for Families with Affordable Daycare Options

Park Slope is a top choice for families, known for its historic brownstones and family-oriented community. Daycare costs in Park Slope are competitive, with centers like Park Slope KinderCare and Cuddle Avenue Daycare offering quality care at reasonable rates. On average, daycare costs in this neighborhood range from $1,200 to $2,000 per month, depending on the type of care and the child’s age. Park Slope also benefits from proximity to Prospect Park, providing ample outdoor space for children to play. The neighborhood is well-connected by public transport, with several subway lines (R, F, G) making commutes easy for working parents. Healthcare is well-covered with local pediatricians like South Slope Pediatrics, and additional support services such as child counseling are readily available at places like Park Slope Therapy.

Brooklyn Heights: Premium Daycare with Iconic Views

Brooklyn Heights is another family-friendly neighborhood where daycare costs reflect the area’s premium living conditions. Parents can expect to pay between $1,500 and $2,500 per month for daycare at centers like Tic Tac Daycare and Cobble Hill KinderCare. This neighborhood offers stunning views of the Manhattan skyline and access to Brooklyn Bridge Park, a favorite for families. Multiple subway lines (A, C, 2, 3, 4, and 5) provide excellent connectivity, making it easy for parents to commute to work. Brooklyn Heights is also home to top-rated pediatric care at Heights Pediatrics and specialized child counseling services from professionals like Shelley Juran Ph.D.

Williamsburg: A Creative Hub with Diverse Daycare Costs

Williamsburg has evolved into a vibrant neighborhood that attracts young families looking for a creative atmosphere. Daycare costs in Williamsburg vary widely, with some centers like The Learning Experience on Marcy Avenue charging around $1,500 to $2,200 per month. Others, such as JCC Brooklyn North Williamsburg, offer more budget-friendly options. The area is well-served by parks like McCarren Park, and is easily accessible via the L, G, and J/M/Z subway lines. Pediatric services in Williamsburg are top-notch, with Williamsburg Pediatrics providing comprehensive care. Additionally, recreational facilities like Twinkle Playspace offer fun and safe environments for children.

Bay Ridge: Suburban Feel with Reasonable Daycare Costs

For families seeking a suburban feel within the city, Bay Ridge is an excellent option. Daycare costs here are generally more affordable, ranging from $1,000 to $1,800 per month. Centers like Step Ahead Daycare and Little Bees Family Day Care are popular choices among local parents. Bay Ridge is known for its strong community ties and expansive parks, such as Owl’s Head Park and Shore Road Park, which are perfect for family outings. The neighborhood’s safety, coupled with excellent public transportation via the R train, makes it an attractive option. Bay Ridge also offers high-quality pediatric care at Tribeca Pediatrics on 3rd Avenue, along with local counseling services like those provided by Jeanne Mannino, MA, LMHC.

Fort Greene: Cultural Richness and Varied Daycare Costs

Fort Greene combines cultural richness with family-friendly living. Daycare costs in Fort Greene typically range from $1,300 to $2,000 per month, with options like The Learning Experience on Atlantic Avenue and Creative Cuties Daycare offering reliable services. The neighborhood’s centerpiece, Fort Greene Park, provides a green oasis for families, while excellent public transport links (C, G, B, and Q lines) ensure easy access to the rest of Brooklyn and Manhattan. Local healthcare services, including Tribeca Pediatrics on Fulton Street, and child-friendly recreational spots like The Escape Game Brooklyn make Fort Greene a well-rounded choice for families.

Making the Best Choice for Your Family

When considering the best neighborhood in Brooklyn for your family, it’s crucial to weigh the daycare costs against the overall amenities and lifestyle each area offers. Whether it’s the historic charm of Brooklyn Heights, the artistic vibe of Williamsburg, or the suburban feel of Bay Ridge, each neighborhood provides unique benefits. Understanding daycare costs and what you can expect in each area will help you make an informed decision that best suits your family’s needs.

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