
Daycare Fee >> USA >> New York > Binghamton

Daycare Costs in Binghamton, New York: Compare and Save on Childcare

As of August 27, 2024, daycare costs in Binghamton offer flexible and affordable options tailored to meet different family needs. The hourly rate is approximately $20 for infants, $18.75 for toddlers, and $15 for kids. Weekly rates range from $330 to $430, depending on age.

Customizing your daycare package can help you achieve the best value for your childcare expenses. Whether you need full-day, weekly, or monthly care, choosing the right plan ensures that you only pay for the services you require, maximizing both efficiency and savings. Explore the available packages to find the best fit for your family.

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Daycare Fee for Infants in Binghamton

Service Monthly (US$) Weekly (US$) Daily (US$)
Security Fee
Boarding @ Extended Day 1400 470 180
Boarding @ Full Day 1300 430 160
Boarding @ Half Day 1000 330 120
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours 1000 330 120
Boarding @ Night Charges 2600 900 320
Boarding @ 24 Hours 3900 1300 490
Full Day Complete Package 3100 1000 400
24 Hour Complete Package 4700 1600 600
Milk 0 0 0
Fruits 60 20 10
Breakfast 60 20 10
Lunch 60 20 10
Evening Snacks 60 20 10
Supper/Dinner 60 20 10
Tuition Fee NA NA NA
Music NA NA NA
Calligraphy NA NA NA
Abacus NA NA NA
Dance NA NA NA
Massage 0 0
Bathing 0 0
Child Counselling 80
Speech Therapy 80

Daycare Fee for Toddlers in Binghamton

Service Monthly (US$) Weekly (US$) Daily (US$)
Security Fee
Boarding @ Extended Day 1300 430 160
Boarding @ Full Day 1200 400 150
Boarding @ Half Day 1000 330 120
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours 800 270 100
Boarding @ Night Charges 2600 900 320
Boarding @ 24 Hours 3900 1300 490
Full Day Complete Package 2900 1000 400
24 Hour Complete Package 3900 1300 500
Milk 0 0 0
Fruits 60 20 10
Breakfast 60 20 10
Lunch 60 20 10
Evening Snacks 60 20 10
Supper/Dinner 60 20 10
Tuition Fee 0 0 NA
Music 0 0 NA
Calligraphy 0 0 NA
Abacus 0 0 NA
Dance 0 0 NA
Massage 0 0
Bathing 0 0
Child Counselling 80
Speech Therapy 80

Daycare Fee for Kids in Binghamton

Service Monthly (US$) Weekly (US$) Daily (US$)
Security Fee
Boarding @ Extended Day 1200 400 150
Boarding @ Full Day 1000 330 120
Boarding @ Half Day 900 300 110
Boarding @ Kindergarten Hours 800 270 100
Boarding @ Night Charges 2100 700 260
Boarding @ 24 Hours 3900 1300 490
Full Day Complete Package 2600 900 300
24 Hour Complete Package 3900 1300 500
Milk 0 0 0
Fruits 60 20 10
Breakfast 60 20 10
Lunch 60 20 10
Evening Snacks 60 20 10
Supper/Dinner 60 20 10
Tuition Fee 0 0 NA
Music 0 0 NA
Calligraphy 0 0 NA
Abacus 0 0 NA
Dance 0 0 NA
Massage 0 0
Bathing 0 0
Child Counselling 80
Speech Therapy 80

Overview of Daycare Costs in Binghamton Factors Affecting Daycare Prices in Binghamton Comparing Daycare Options in Binghamton Tips for Affordable Childcare in Binghamton

Binghamton, NY, is a city that balances rich historical roots with a vibrant community spirit, making it a great place for families. For parents, finding reliable daycare and quality child services is a priority. This guide explores daycare costs in Binghamton, NY, along with an overview of available child counseling and pediatric services.

Daycare Charges in Binghamton, NY

Daycare in Binghamton typically costs between $150 and $350 per week, depending on the type of care, location, and amenities. Factors like the child-to-staff ratio, curriculum, and the availability of extended hours or specialized programs can influence the cost. Some daycare centers in Binghamton offer personalized care in a nurturing environment, while others focus on early childhood education with comprehensive programs designed to support your child’s development.

Daycare Centers in Binghamton, NY

Binghamton offers a variety of daycare options tailored to meet different needs. Some centers provide a creative and stimulating environment that encourages children to explore and learn. Others are known for their focus on early childhood education, preparing children for their school years. Additionally, there are daycare centers that emphasize community involvement, offering programs that integrate local resources and activities to enhance the learning experience.

Child Counseling Services in Binghamton, NY

For parents seeking child counseling services, Binghamton offers several reputable options. These services are designed to support children dealing with behavioral issues, emotional challenges, or family dynamics. The city’s counseling centers provide a range of therapies, including behavioral counseling, family therapy, and psychological services tailored to the needs of children. Many of these centers have a strong focus on creating a supportive and understanding environment, helping children and families navigate through difficult times with professional guidance.

Pediatric Services in Binghamton, NY

Binghamton is home to several pediatric clinics and practices that offer comprehensive healthcare for children. These services range from routine check-ups and vaccinations to specialized care for more complex medical conditions. The pediatricians in Binghamton are known for their commitment to providing high-quality care, with many focusing on preventative health to ensure that children grow up healthy and strong. Whether you’re looking for a general pediatrician or a specialist, Binghamton’s medical community offers a wide array of options to meet your child’s health needs.

Preschools in Binghamton, NY

Preschools in Binghamton offer various educational programs designed to prepare children for their school years. These institutions focus on developing essential skills through interactive learning experiences. Some preschools emphasize a strong educational foundation, while others incorporate creative and play-based learning to foster cognitive and social development. Tuition costs for preschools in Binghamton can vary, generally ranging from $400 to $900 per month, depending on the program and the level of care provided.

Binghamton, NY, provides a supportive environment for families, with a wide range of daycare, child counseling, and pediatric services available. With daycare costs ranging from $150 to $350 per week and numerous options for quality care and education, parents in Binghamton have access to the resources they need to ensure their children’s well-being. Whether you are looking for reliable daycare, specialized counseling, or comprehensive pediatric care, Binghamton offers everything you need to support your child’s growth and development.

Daycare Cost in New York

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