Monthly, Weekly, Daily & Hourly Daycare Cost in Salinas, CA
The average monthly cost or Daycare Fee in Salinas, California, United States for Infants is Monthly $500, Weekly $170, and daily $60.
For Toddlers, daycare fee is Monthly $400, Weekly $130, and daily $50.
For school going kids, daycare fee is Monthly $400, Weekly $130, and daily $50.
Additional Daycare Services with Extra Cost:
In addition to regular daycare fees, Salinas, CA offers night charges and meals at extra costs. Night charges for infants, toddlers, and kids are $900, $900, and $800 monthly, respectively. Meals like fruit, breakfast, lunch, evening snacks, and supper/dinner each cost $10 per day for all age groups. Other services include tuition, music, dance, calligraphy, and abacus lessons. Find complete detail in the fee structure given below.