Braemar House School
Braemar House School is a prestigious educational school in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. The school offers a one-of-a-kind educational environment that pushes pupils intellectually, fosters strong character, and promotes lifelong learning. Braemar is a welcoming and supportive atmosphere, with small class sizes to guarantee that each student receives personalised attention. The school provides a comprehensive academic programme that incorporates an enhanced arts curriculum, a school food garden, personal well-being, and exercise. Parents are active members of the school community and can communicate readily with instructors and administration. Braemar House School is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and serves students aged 36 months to 12 years.
Contact Information
Contact Listings Owner Form
Cost & Timings
Business Hour
08:30 am - 04:30 pm
- Tuesday
08:30 am - 04:30 pm- Wednesday
08:30 am - 04:30 pm- Thursday
08:30 am - 04:30 pm- Friday
08:30 am - 04:30 pm- Saturday
- Sunday
- Tuesday