Daycare Cost in Netherlands

Daycare costs in the Netherlands vary by location and type, with government subsidies making childcare more affordable for working parents.

Overview of Daycare Costs in Major Cities

Daycare costs in the Netherlands are influenced by location, type of daycare, and income. Private daycare centers (kinderopvang) typically charge between EUR 7 and EUR 10 per hour. For a full-time placement (40 hours per week), this can total EUR 1,500 to EUR 2,000 per month. However, government subsidies (kinderopvangtoeslag) reduce these costs significantly for working parents, often covering 70% or more of the fees. Public daycare options are less common but more affordable, with fees depending on municipal policies. Major cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Utrecht tend to have higher costs compared to smaller towns.

Factors Affecting Daycare Costs

The following factors influence daycare costs in the Netherlands:

  • Location: Urban areas like Amsterdam and Rotterdam have higher daycare fees due to higher demand and operational costs.
  • Daycare Type: Private daycare centers charge higher fees, while municipal daycare facilities are more affordable.
  • Government Subsidies: Families with working parents are eligible for subsidies that can cover a significant portion of daycare costs.
  • Additional Services: Features like bilingual programs, extracurricular activities, and extended hours increase fees.

Parents in the Netherlands benefit from a robust childcare system, with subsidies making high-quality daycare accessible to most families.

Key Components Influencing Daycare Costs

Daycare costs in the Netherlands are shaped by the following components:

  • Public vs. Private: Public daycare facilities are rare but more affordable, while private centers offer premium services at higher rates.
  • Family Income: Subsidies are calculated based on household income, making childcare affordable for low- and middle-income families.
  • Urban vs. Rural Divide: Urban areas have higher fees compared to rural areas where demand and costs are lower.
  • Quality Standards: Strict government regulations ensure high-quality care, which impacts operational costs and fees.

Parents should evaluate their eligibility for subsidies and explore both public and private daycare options to find the best fit for their family.


Daycare costs in the Netherlands depend on location, type of facility, and family income. Government subsidies play a crucial role in reducing fees, making childcare affordable for most working parents. Urban areas like Amsterdam and Rotterdam have higher costs, but the quality of services and accessibility make daycare a worthwhile investment for families. Parents are encouraged to explore their subsidy options and compare daycare centers to find the best solution for their childcare needs.