Daycare Cost in Nepal

Daycare costs in Nepal vary by city and type of facility, with urban centers like Kathmandu offering both affordable public options and premium private daycare services.

Overview of Daycare Costs in Major Cities

Daycare costs in Nepal vary significantly across urban and rural areas. In Kathmandu, private daycare centers charge between NPR 10,000 and NPR 25,000 per month, offering premium services like meals, extracurricular activities, and extended hours. Public or community-based daycare facilities are more affordable, typically costing between NPR 3,000 and NPR 7,000 per month. In smaller towns like Pokhara and Bharatpur, daycare fees are lower, with private daycare centers charging NPR 7,000 to NPR 15,000 and public daycare costs often under NPR 5,000 per month.

Factors Affecting Daycare Costs

The following factors influence daycare costs in Nepal:

  • Location: Urban areas like Kathmandu and Pokhara have higher daycare fees due to increased demand and operational expenses.
  • Daycare Type: Private daycare centers charge higher fees compared to public or community-based options.
  • Additional Services: Features like meals, transportation, and extracurricular programs increase costs in private daycare centers.
  • Economic Conditions: Regional economic factors and household income levels directly impact daycare affordability.

Parents in Nepal can choose from a variety of daycare options depending on their financial situation and childcare requirements.

Key Components Influencing Daycare Costs

Daycare costs in Nepal are shaped by the following components:

  • Public vs. Private: Public daycare centers are affordable and subsidized, while private centers charge premium fees for better services.
  • Urban vs. Rural Divide: Cities like Kathmandu have higher fees compared to rural areas with lower demand.
  • Quality of Services: Private centers with modern infrastructure and well-trained caregivers charge higher fees.
  • Community-Based Support: Community-run daycare centers provide cost-effective childcare options for rural families.

Parents should carefully evaluate their options to find a daycare solution that meets their budget and childcare needs.


Daycare costs in Nepal depend on the location, type of facility, and services provided. Public daycare centers offer affordable childcare options, while private facilities in urban centers like Kathmandu provide premium services at higher costs. Parents are encouraged to explore both public and private options to find the best childcare solution for their family.