Daycare Cost in Iran

Daycare costs in Iran vary by location and type, with urban centers like Tehran offering both affordable public options and premium private facilities.

Overview of Daycare Costs in Major Cities

Daycare costs in Iran vary significantly between urban and rural areas. In Tehran, private daycare centers charge between IRR 10,000,000 and IRR 30,000,000 per month, while public daycare options cost considerably less, typically ranging from IRR 3,000,000 to IRR 8,000,000 per month. Smaller cities like Mashhad and Isfahan offer more affordable daycare services, with fees ranging from IRR 5,000,000 to IRR 15,000,000 for private daycare and under IRR 5,000,000 for public options. Costs are influenced by location, type of daycare, and additional services.

Factors Affecting Daycare Costs

The following factors influence daycare costs in Iran:

  • Location: Urban centers like Tehran and Isfahan have higher fees due to increased demand and operational costs.
  • Daycare Type: Private daycare centers charge significantly more than public facilities.
  • Additional Services: Services like meals, transportation, and extracurricular activities increase costs.
  • Economic Conditions: Variations in regional economic conditions directly impact daycare fees across the country.

Parents in Iran can find a range of daycare options, with rural areas typically offering more economical solutions.

Key Components Influencing Daycare Costs

Daycare costs in Iran are shaped by the following components:

  • Public vs. Private: Public daycare facilities are affordable, while private centers provide premium services at higher costs.
  • Urban vs. Rural Divide: Urban areas like Tehran and Mashhad have higher fees compared to rural regions with less demand.
  • Quality of Services: Premium daycare centers with advanced facilities and better caregiver-to-child ratios charge higher fees.
  • Government Support: Public daycare facilities often receive subsidies, keeping costs lower for families.

Parents should evaluate their budget and childcare needs when selecting between public and private daycare facilities in Iran.


Daycare costs in Iran depend heavily on location and type of daycare. Urban centers like Tehran and Isfahan provide both public and private options, with private daycare centers offering premium services at higher fees. Public daycare remains an economical choice for many families. Parents are encouraged to explore options based on their budget and childcare needs.